Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Law of the Gospel in Itself ---

Today we were taught by Fr. Giertych, OP, who just happens to be the theologian of the  Papal Household.  His responsibilities are to read all the speeches of Pope Benedict XVI to assure that they are theologically without error.  He taught us on moral theology and it was a wonderful review of Thomas Aquinas.  The one thing I found most helpful was how much St. Thomas believed in the grace of the Holy Spirit.  Also, the reminder that spirit of Christ saves any one who responds to this grace, even if they do not know it.  Thus, a good Hindu or other person who does not recognize Christ but follows the grace of God is saved by Jesus Christ.  There is room in heaven for many, if not all.

Thursday, March 22 - Santi Martino e Silvestro ai Monti

This church was built by Pope Saint Sylvester (314-335) who was at the helm of the bark of Peter through the last of the persecutions and the conversion of emperor Constantine. Two hundred years later, it was later restored and rededicated to Saints Martin of Tours (317-397) and Pope Saint Sylvester. This church was the site of preparatory meetings for the Council of Nicaea (325), which was called to fight the heresies, which denied that Christ is true God and true man. This was the first church in Rome where the Nicene Creed was proclaimed.

Since this is Thursday, we also know that from ancient times,
 it was a place where the poor have always been able to get food.