The classic station church pilgrimage died when the popes
moved to Avignon in the 14th century. But strong echoes of the ancient
pilgrimage remained in the liturgy, for the Mass texts and prayers of Lent
frequently reflected the Roman station church of the day and the saint honored
there. Those echoes continue, if in more muted form, in the post-conciliar
Lenten liturgy. What has been revived, however, and in a very dramatic way, is
the station church pilgrimage itself. And the revival has been largely an
American affair.
In the mid-1980s, students here at the NAC, began to follow the ancient custom of walking to the station church traditionally appointed for that day, each day of Lent. The practice caught on among other English-speakers in the city, so that each morning, as many as 500 Anglophones have come to the traditional station church of the day at 7 a.m. for Mass. Many walk. Others take buses, or the Metro, or drive. But on any given day of Lent, Monday through Saturday, you’ll find hundreds of English-speakers at the station church of the day, keeping faith with the traditions of the first millennium.
I have posted on some of the churches visited, and will try to add more as I review some of my notes. But, the opportunity to have done this is a memory I will cherish.
2/22/2012 Ash
Wednesday S. Sabina all'Aventino
2/23/2012 Thursday S. Giorgio al Velabro 2/24/2012 Friday Ss. Giovanni e Paolo
2/25/2012 Saturday S. Agostino
2/26/2012 Sunday–WEEK I S. Giovanni in Laterano
2/27/2012 Monday S. Pietro in Vincoli
2/28/2012 Tuesday S. Anastasia al Palatino
2/29/2012 Wednesday S. Maria Maggiore
3/1/2012 Thursday S. Lorenzo in
3/2/2012 Friday Ss. Dodici Apostoli
3/3/2012 Saturday S. Pietro in Vaticano
3/4/2012 Sunday–WEEK II S. Maria in Domnica
3/5/2012 Monday S. Clemente
3/6/2012 Tuesday S. Balbina all’Aventino
3/7/2012 Wednesday S. Cecilia in Trastevere
3/8/2012 Thursday S. Maria in Trastevere
3/9/2012 Friday S. Vitale
3/10/2012 Saturday Ss. Pietro e Marcellino
3/11/2012 Sunday–WEEK III San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura
3/12/2012 Monday S. Marco al Campidoglio
3/13/2012 Tuesday S. Pudenziana al Viminale
3/14/2012 Wednesday S. Sisto
3/15/2012 Thursday Ss. Cosma e Damiano
3/16/2012 Friday S. Lorenzo in Lucina
3/17/2012 Saturday S. Susanna
3/18/2012 Sunday–WEEK IV S. Croce in Gerusalemme
3/19/2012 Monday Ss. Quattro
3/20/2012 Tuesday S. Lorenzo in Damaso
3/21/2012 Wednesday S. Paolo fuori le Mura
3/22/2012 Thursday Ss. Silvestro e Martino
3/23/2012 Friday S. Eusebio all’Esquilino
3/24/2012 Saturday S. Nicola in Carcere
3/25/2012 Sunday–WEEK V S. Pietro in Vaticano
3/26/2012 Monday S. Crisogono in Trastevere
3/27/2012 Tuesday S. Maria in via Lata
3/28/2012 Wednesday S. Marcello al Corso
3/29/2012 Thursday S. Apollinare
3/30/2012 Friday S. Stefano Rotondo
3/31/2012 Saturday S. Giovanni a Porta Latina
4/1/2012 Palm Sunday S. Giovanni in Laterano
4/2/2012 Monday S. Prassede all’Esquilino
4/3/2012 Tuesday S. Prisca all’Aventino
4/4/2012 Wednesday S. Maria Maggiore
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